Hudson House is Open today: 10:00 am - 3:30 pm

Reeth Filling Station


Hudson House’s initial investigation work in preparation for a possible community purchase of the filling station was completed in 2022, which gave us a great deal of information on the site and the significant work that needs to be done to make it viable as a filling station. This information includes surveys of the storage tanks, petrol spill interceptor, drainage and buildings.

We also commissioned work on possible site layout, regulatory requirements, equipment and 24/7 operations. The project team also held discussions with potential petrol suppliers, site operators and with Northern Powergrid on the feasibility of installing fast electric chargers. We were very grateful to Richmondshire District Council for a generous grant which reimbursed most of the costs and made this work possible.

Our conclusion at the time was that a community filling station could be viable, provided the purchase price recognised the amount of work required to update the pumps and buildings. Unfortunately the site ownwers decided to test the market at a price we could not make work amd therefore the project could not go ahead. When the guide price was reduced in 2023 Hudson House made a further approach to the owners to see if the remaining price gap could be bridged. But the vendors subsequently pulled out of negotiation in favour of an alternative potential purchaser. Sadly, nothing seems to have come of this so far.

Our prioriity has always been to get fuel back in the dale and so we will do what we can to help any future purchaser who appears willing and able to repopen the filling station. If any member of the community wishes to try and revive the project please do get in touch. But for now, regrettably, we have wound up our own project team.

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